Westlock Security – Locksmith Perth

Making Perth Locksmith Services
Easy For You
Located in the Welshpool/Kewdale area of Perth, make Westlock Security your first choice to provide total peace of mind for all your security requirements. We have the most trusted and experienced Commercial and Residential Locksmiths in Perth, who are all members of the Master Locksmith Association. Our experienced locksmiths are punctual and efficient, treating all locks and keys with great care. There is no need to worry about scratches or damages to the lock mechanisms and cylinders. We get it right the first time, every time – which is why we are the leaders in locksmith services in Perth.
Alarm Systems for Home or Businesses
Westlock Security are also authorised stockists of leading security alarm systems with innovative solutions, utilising wired or wireless technology for the home or office. All alarms come with the manufacturer warranty and are installed to Australian compliance. Beware of cheap imported alarm systems which do not have Australian warranties. Contact our product specialists or contact us to email your home or office plans and we’ll assess and recommend a security alarm system and security solution, plus the many options available to customise and automate your alarms systems.
Security Doors Specialist
For Westlock Security, your safety is our top priority, and with our range of security doors we make sure that you and your loved ones are safe and sound. Along with our security doors we also provide locksmith services, including key cutting and call outs for those unpredictable ‘oops’ moments. So don’t get “locked out” and feel safe knowing that Westlock Security is the key to all your locksmith and security doors needs.
Westlock Security are proud members of the Master Locksmiths Association and we look forward to being of service. For all your locksmith, alarms and security system requirements, contact Westlock Security on (08) 9353 2889 or send us your request via email.