Car & Truck Keys Cut Services
We supply most transponder keys for cars as either a key shell, programmed spare key or key with central locking. Most makes and models available.
It may be possible to find a key (and remote control) for your car – usually at a greatly reduced price you’d find at a car dealership. We also have access to genuine (branded) keys for cars of all kinds.
Transponders are no problem for us, as we can supply vehicle transponder key blanks, cut and programmed/cloned to code (with standard remote batteries supplies). With specialist car remotes sales and service representatives, you can be sure that getting a new set of car keys, including transponder keys, will be hassle free with Westlock Security!
For any automotive locksmithing requirements, please request a quote, call us on (08) 9353 2889 or send us an email.
- Central Locking Keys
- Key Shells
- Transponder Keys